PURPOSE: The Center for Archaeological Sciences (CAS) has been formed to facilitate interaction between archaeology and related fields with scientific disciplines and among geographical areas involved with studies of the past. Research in all geographical areas or realistic combinations of subject matter is strongly encouraged, in keeping with the resources of the CAS. Reasonable flexibility is also maintained in defining those problems and the time span that can be regarded as of archaeological interest. The CAS shall: Provide an organized forum, through a web site or other means, where faculty and students may inform one another about current research that may profit from input from other fields. Plan and test approaches to specific problems that can only be adequately handled by interdisciplinary research. Sponsor special programs and symposia. Coordinate graduate and undergraduate programs of interdisciplinary study in the archaeological sciences. Schedule at least one regular business meeting each year. Special meetings may be called as needed. MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to all faculty and staff of the University of Georgia and to recognized professionals outside the System who have interests in the archaeological sciences. Membership will be granted upon recommendation by an Associate, approval of the Executive Committee, and a majority vote of Associates, voting at a regular meeting, by mail ballot, or by email ballot. ADMINISTRATION: CAS will be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of three officers and one at-large member from the Associates. The officers are: Director, Secretary, and Faculty Advisor. The officers shall be elected by CAS Associates for a three-year term from the membership and can be re-elected. The at-large member will be elected by CAS Associates for a single three-year term from the Associates. The officers will be elected for staggered terms, with the Faculty Advisor and at-large member being elected in the same year; the Secretary standing alone the next year, and the Director standing alone the third year. The Executive Committee will also include the elected President of the Student Association for Archaeological Sciences as an ex officio member. REVISION: The bylaws can be revised by circulation of the proposed revision(s) by email at least one week prior to a scheduled business meeting and a majority vote of Associates present at that meeting. ELECTIONS: Elections will be run by the Secretary and may be conducted either in person at scheduled business meetings of the Associates, by mail, or by email. February 3, 1994; revised February 1, 2006